Jakub Sakala

Bibliography of Prof. RNDr. Zlatko Kvaček, DrSc.


This complete list of publications of Professor RNDr. Zlatko Kvaček, DrSc. (1937 – 2020) is an addition and supplementary continuation of the memorial volumes of Fossil Imprint (2021/2 and 2022/1) devoted to his work and life. The present list is compiled from three published sources: (1) in Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Ser. B – Historia Naturalis in 2007 (Kvaček, J.: Bibliography of Prof. RNDr. Zlatko Kvaček, DrSc. – Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Ser. B – Historia Naturalis, 63(2-4): 75–83), (2) in Fossil Imprint in 2018 (Sakala, J.: Bibliography of Prof. RNDr. Zlatko Kvaček, DrSc. (2007 – 2017). – Fossil Imprint, 74(1-2): 4–7) and (3) in Fossil Imprint in 2020 (Sakala, J.: Bibliography of Prof. RNDr. Zlatko Kvaček, DrSc. (2017 – 2020). – Fossil Imprint, 76(2): viii).