Early complex tiering pattern: Upper Ordovician, Barrandian area, the Czech Republic


Upper Ordovician shallow marine fine-grained sandstones and siltstones exposed in the Loděnice – vinice locality yielded a distinct and well-preserved tiering pattern of trace fossils. The two uppermost tiers are composed mainly of Bifungites and Nereites. Deeper in the sediment, tiers dominated by Thalassinoides, Zoophycos and Teichichnus occur. Most of the succession is completely bioturbated; however, several storm layers enabled study of a well-preserved frozen tiering pattern. Large portions of the bedding planes (ichnologic snapshots) showed a considerable patchiness of intensive surface bioturbation and a preferred orientation of Bifungites. The identified tiering pattern is one of the earliest examples of a well-documented complex tiering of burrows documented in detail.

Key words

ichnofossils, tiering, Ordovician, Barrandian area, peri-Gondwana